Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Award Winning....

Ok I entered the student art show a couple of weeks ago, and I was thrilled when two of my photographs were chosen to be in the show. Sunday was the opening of the show, and the awards were also given out then. Well I was shocked and so happy when they called my name! My family, my mom, my sisters, and two of my great friends were there, so I was extremely nervous! But I won a merit award for $150.00! I was thrilled! The competition was fierce! I was not only honored to win an award, but to just be selected to be in the show!


TulsaT said...

Congrats, your pics are so beautiful. I think it takes someone with a beautiful soul to see the beauty in things and you clearly have that.

Tawna said...

Congratulations Stacy! That's wonderful! I remember when you were a little girl and got your first camera...you would take pictures of photos and things that I had hanging on the wall...lol! Well as they say, "You've come a long way baby!" You certainly have the eye for photography and your dad and I are so very proud of you! Love ya!